The Use Of Shot Peening To Delay Stress Crack Initiation On Axles For Coal Mine Duty Use

Author:  Simpson, R. and Burge, B.
Source:  Conf Proc: ICSP-2, (p.332-333)
Doc ID:  1984070
Year of Publication:  1984
This paper describes the application of shot peening to delay stress crack initiation on coal mine personnel carrier axles made of 4140 L/50 heat treated bar stock. A description of typical working conditions and operating environment of the axles is given. Using S-230 cast steel shot the axles were peened and subsequently installed in equipment used in actual operating conditions. Results of empirical data-collection are given. It is concluded that shot peening enhances fatigue life and delays stress crack initiation. Descriptors: Crack nucleation; Fatigue fracture; Shock loading

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