Influence Of Peening On Fatigue Life Of Sic Reinforced Aluminum

Author:  S. Tohriyama, M. Kumano,S. Hisamatsu
Source:  Conf Proc: ICSP-4, (p.307-316)
Doc ID:  1990036
Year of Publication:  1990
There is an ever increasing need for better automotive fuel economy and improved engine performance. To meet this worldwide need, one of the most effective means is to reduce the weight of engine parts. To achieve this, metal matrix composites (MMCs) are widely considered over conventional materials such as aluminum or magnesium. This is due to the outstanding rigidity and strength properties of MMCs at high temperatures. This paper describes the process of shot peening aluminum composites which are reinforced with silicon carbide whisker (SiCw) or silicon carbide particle (SiCp). It further investigates the influence of shot peening on fatigue life by means of residual stress and MMC structure (distribution of whisker). As a result, after shot peening the fatigue strength of SiCp/2024 was improved but there was little effect on the SiCw/6061. The reason for this was found to be that, shot peening affected the surface's residual stress. Descriptors: Aluminum; MMC; SiC; Shot peening; Fatigue life; Residual stress; Surface roughness

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