On the Possibility of the Shot - Peening Process Application in the Production of New Vehicles Forms

Author:  Roko Markovina
Source:  Conf Proc: ICSP-9 (pg 60-66)
Doc ID:  2005052
Year of Publication:  2005
ABSTRACT The paper presents an overview of new vehicles forms, and new projects and their position in the modified Von Karman-Gabrielli diagram, regarding the domain of their efficient activities. In new super high-speed vehicles, a great influence of the fatigue is expected; a shot - peening process would thus be very useful for increasing their fatigue life. This process as well as the peen-forming process has not yet been included in the current shipbuilding practice, so the construction parts of vessels are proposed to be shot peened. The examining results of overgrown corrosion influence on shot-peened immersed AI 5080 samples are also presented.

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