Development Of Fe-based Metallic Glass Shot Amo-beads For Peening With High Strength And Long Life

Author:  K.Okumura,K.Kajita,J.Kurosaki,H.Kimura,A.Inoue
Source:  Conf Proc: ICSP-10 Tokyo, Japan 2008
Doc ID:  2008077
Year of Publication:  2008
ABSTRACT Application of bulk metallic glass was examined as the shot peening media reforming technology of the material, much attention is paid to in these days. The intensity of an object product becomes strong and the shot used in connection with this also serves as high hardness. However, in order that toughness might tend to have crushed the conventional high hardness projection material low, the problem of increase of cost and the increase in generating of waste had produced it. Therefore, we have tried to solve these problems by applying the metallic glasses as shot. We have paid attention to Febased metallic glass system, and have searched for and found the best composition with high hardness and high toughness. Spheroidal particles made with the Fe-base metallic glass were used as shot for peening, and it was proved that this is of high hardness together with a long-life. KEY WORDS Shot Peening Media, Fe-base Metallic Glass, High Toughness, Long-Life, Mechanical Properties

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