Hi everyone

I would like to know what´s the shot peening machine that I have.

If it´s a Automated, manual, computer controlled according to Nadcap.

The nozzles are stuck and just a wheel is moving (with the part). The parameter are controlled by a PLC program (RPM and PSI).
Without knowing more specifics, I'd say you have Automated machine. Manual means you are actually holding the nozzle in your hand and moving it about the part. Or you are holding the part and moving it about the nozzle.

While your machine is controlled by a PLC, AMS2432 and other specifications that require computer controlled peening go into great detail explaining the requirements of computerized peening.
The model´s machine is ¨EMPIRE MODEL #3648 SRC-9 PNEUMATIC MACHINE¨.

Like this one: http://www.empire-airblast.com/pdf/product-literature/ProFinish-Systems-Brochure.pdf.

As I mentioned before, the nozzles are stuck with a mullple blast gun Pro-Finish® Suction Blast (pag. 7 with a rotation turntable, where the parts are placed.

You most likely would qualify for "Automatic Machine" using the Empire machine.
If you add air pressure regulators with high/low alarms and media flow rate with high/low alarms you would probably qualify for "Computer Monitored Shot Peening" according to AMS2432. Be sure to read that spec completely before making your assessment.
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