Posted By: Walter AMS-2431/3 , /8 - 09/07/04 02:06 PM
Why is there a gap of 3HRC between Regular Hardness AWCR conditioned cut wire and (45-52 HRC) and High Hardness AWCH (55-62)?

The same is true for Cast Steel Shot, but I'm really only concerned about CCW at this time.

Being a job shop we have to meet numerous prime manufacturer requirements. A major aerospace prime calls out CCW to be 50-62 HRC, if AMS-2431 had a range of 45-55 we could meet both specifications and reduce our cost of having to have two hardness ranges. I'm sure I'm not the only one this would benefit.

Any one else care to chime in?
Walter A. Beach, Jr. - Quality Assurance Manager
Peening Technologies
A Hydro Honing Laboratories, Inc. Company
P.O. Box 280306
East Hartford, CT 06128-0306

Now with locations in Connecticut and Georgia.

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