■ How is %Intensity vs. Corner/Shot Radius Ratio Chart created?
■ Under what circumstances?
■ How is it possible to relate intensity and corner radius on a part?
■ Why is "%" used with intensity?
■ If I want to perform the same test for confirmation, how should I perform it?

for a graph of ratio of shot size and filet radius go to this link:

I have seen this chart. My concern is I do not how how it is created. Also there is no explanation regarding this info on this page.
Can any one tell me the source of the data in the link below?
I do not recall the source. This was a document I had used for serveral years teaching shot peening principles. It seems to support the requirements that the media diameter be one half, or less, of the filet radius.
Almen intensity is measured on almen strips. How can you evaluate almen intensity and corner radius in the same chart?
The Almen intensity will provide a certain depth of compression. In this experiment an Almen intensity was established and the depth of compression was measued and declared to be 100% on the flat surface.
Subsequent peening with various ratios of shot size and filet radius were then peened at that given intensity and then the depth of compression was determined by X-ray diffraction. You can see from the chart that when the diameter of the shot was one half of the radius, or a 4 to 1 ratio, then the depth of compression approached the same effect as peening upon a flat surface.
The purpose of the experiment was to reconfirm the specification requirement that the shot diameter be no larger than one half of the filet radius. The particular intensity chosen is not important (as long as it remains constant for the entire experiment). The peenig effect (depth of compression)was shown to vary with the ratio, as expected.
I got the point with fillet application. Can you explain me the same issue for chamfer?

Thanks for your help so far.
I have some more questions about creation of %Intensity vs. Corner/Shot Radius Ratio Chart.

As usual, measurement laboratories make measurements at 7 to 9 depths to create stress profile on shot peened part.

Is it necessary to create part's stress profile to generate the data on this chart?

Or is it possible to make a single point-single depth measurement for data gathering?

What should minimum depth be for stress measurement?

Thanks in advance!
The proper way of continuing this evaluation would be to do the 7-9 depths of X-Ray stress for each of the conditions (filet, chamfer etc.).
Minimum depth for stress is usually done right at the surface. The maximum depth depends upon conditions but usually you want go deep enough to see the transistion back to tensile stress.
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