Electronic Method for Calibrating Peening Intensity
Author: Jack Champaigne
Source: US Patent 11,484,989 B2
Doc ID: 2024039
Year of Publication: 2022
A method for calibrating an electronic sensor for peening
intensity . A range of desired intensity levels is chosen and
that range may contain a single value or multiple values . The
parameters for a blast stream are set that correspond to a
particular intensity level . Test strips are peened in the blast
stream and then the arcs of the peened strips are measured
to determine the intensity level of the blast stream . Subse
quently , a sensor is placed in the blast stream set at particular
intensity levels and the signal generated at each intensity
level is recorded . A roto - flap peening device can also be set
at particular intensity levels and then a sensor is subjected to
the roto - flap peening device set at those levels . A chart may
be developed that correlates peening intensity to the signal
of the sensor so the sensor may be used in place of Almen
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