Comparative Performance Of Glass Beads In Suction And Direct Pressure Shot Peening Applications

Author:  Goldman, Sutker, Schmidt, Suttmeier
Source:  Conf Proc: ICSP-4, (p. 9-18)
Doc ID:  1990010
Year of Publication:  1990
The total in-plant manufacturing cost of shot peening includes labor, energy and the loss of consumable media during processing. To this cost must now be added the cost of safe disposal of the spent media. It is essential, therefore, that media utilization be optimized to minimize total media usage. The purpose of this paper is to present data on the consumption of one type of media, glass beads, of varying size ranges in two modes, direct pressure and suction peening applications. The objective was to achieve 'equivalent' treatment level as defined by the time to saturation or Almen arc height peening intensity. Processing variables, along with media size, included grit feed stem diameter and working pressure. These variables permitted adjustment of media flow rates to obtain the desired affect. A media consumption theory is presented based on velocity distribution in both direct and suction peening. Beads at velocities greater than that which is optimum for imparting compressive stresses to the part being peened, will fracture. Thus, adjustment in velocity distribution patterns at equivalent mass media flow rate could reduce both peening times and media consumption. Engineers may use the information presented to assess the relative value of each mode for any given application over a range of glass bead particle sizes from 70 to 1700 microns and Almen arc heights of 0.03 mmA to 0.69 mmA. Descriptors: Suction peening, Direct pressure peening, Peening intensity, Almen arc height, Media consumption, Glass beads

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