Optimising Shot Peening Parameters Using DoE

Author:  Lassithiotakis, Aylott, Shaw, Ooi, Petit-Renaud
Source:  Conf Proc: ICSP-9 (pg 406-412)
Doc ID:  2005117
Year of Publication:  2005
ABSTRACT The control of residual stress is crucial in ensuring the integrity of engineering components and shot peening can be used to good effect to introduce the beneficial compressive residual stress levels required. It is, however, difficult to use normal shot peening control systems (e.g. Almen strips) to establish the ideal peening conditions that will result in the best component performance. This paper presents results from a study to optimise the peening parameters for a typical carburised steel used in high performance gearing by investigating how the main peening process parameters influence residual stress profiles measured using X-ray diffraction. Statistical design of experiments (DoE) was used to limit the number of experiments required for optimisation to be possible. Using this technique and X-ray diffraction depth profiling methods for residual stress analysis, the maximum compressive residual stresses in carburised SAE8620 steel were measured for a range of peening conditions. The results of the detailed process characterisation investigations have shown that, by using careful design of experiments, it is possible to fully optimise the shot peening process to obtain greater benefits than would be possible with traditional control processes.

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