Equipment Doesn’t Ship Until Rick Approves It

Author:  Lane Barnholtz
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 35, Issue 2, Spring 2021
Doc ID:  2021019
Year of Publication:  2021
THIS MORNING Clemco Quality Assurance Inspector Rick Frick is giving an RPH-2 900 CFM Dust Collector the once over. He checks that the dust collector’s motor is running correctly and confirms that the motor-housing welds are secure. Next, he verifies that the controls in the electrical panel are set properly and that its wiring is correct. Rick has been with Clemco 30 years, but he has been manning Clemco’s new Test and Inspection Cell for only one year—the Test and Inspection Cell was established a year ago as part of Clemco’s new Factory Acceptance Program. The program ensures that all Clemco equipment passes rigorous testing and inspection before it ships to customers. The Test and Inspection Cell focuses on large equipment such as cabinets, dust collectors, reclaim systems, blast rooms, and custom-engineered projects.

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