The charts in 2431 or 2430 can be used for cross referencing between media types. Sometimes you might find differences between the two. If that happens it's best to use the spec with the latest date, but let Jack know about it so he can have it fixed.

Don't assume that the CofC is enough.

First: you are ultimately responsible for the work you're doing. If you find the media was incorrect after parts have been run, you cannot count on the media supplier to correct your work.

Second: you should verify that the product you bought is indeed what you have received. I've heard stories of mis-labelled bags. How many parts will be run before it's noticed?

Lastly: I'm going to guess your process is not being audited because you indicated you currently don't have a RoTap machine. If your process will be audited in the future you may have to show YOUR incoming inspection records.

These are all very good questions, and it's good that you care enough about the process to make sure it's being done right.

Last edited by D. Barkley; 11/04/13 03:26 PM.

Dave Barkley
EI SPT Director, Peening Preceptor & Product Engineer