THE Q & A FORUM at is the ideal
place to get advice on a wide range of topics from industry
leaders and colleagues from around the world that have
tackled and solved your challen...
Many springs are shot peened and the quality of shot peening
is essential for the fatigue life. Today the determination is often
done via x-ray diffraction. The lattice distance is measured
and out...
The recent THRIVE Energy Conference in February, 2024
served as a prime platform for ITAMCO (Indiana Technology
and Manufacturing Companies) to unveil its ground-breaking
advancements in gear manuf...
Shot peeners are often asked a variety of questions relating
to shot peening. These give us opportunities to expand the
knowledge of the questioners. Our answers must, however,
be bas...
Confucius, the great Chinese educator and philosopher, said,
“To know what you know and what you do not know, that
is true knowledge.” I start with this thought not to insinuate
The Distinguished Engineering
Alumni/Alumnae Award for the
Purdue College of Engineering
is presented to men and women
who have distinguished themselves
in any field in ways that
reflect favorab...
Once a peened surface is placed in service, the interaction
with the environment can alter the state of the material. This
paper demonstrates how hydrogen, a common element which
can diss...
Although the degree of coverage in shot peening has a
significant influence on the resilience of a surface, coverage
assessment still faces a number of unresolved challenges.
Employees, customers, and vendors celebrated the 50th anniversary of Electronics
Inc. with a party on June 21. We will have photos in the next issue of The Shot Peener.
A brief recap of EI’s histo...
Mechanical surface treatments using an elastic-plastic cold working process can develop residual stresses on the surface of a workpiece. Compressive residual stresses on the surface increase resistanc...
Do you have a research paper you think should be in our Library? Please contact us with your suggestion. We will review your request and notify you of our decision.