From AS7766 Terms Used in Aerospace Metals Specifications

MATERIAL LOT: Material taken from a single heat of metal, processed at the same time into the same size and shape of product, and heat treated as a single heat treat lot. Note that many specifications contain definitions that take precedence.

''If you change the process then a new verification test must be run.' Does part and part geometry come into play? even if i were using the same intensity?"

If the machine is using the exact same parameters and the exact same intensity verification fixture, then yes you could use the verification data across different part numbers in my opinion. However, it's best to check with your customer and get it in writing.
I would suggest you list all the part numbers you are processing on the same Process Parameter sheet.

Again, in AMS2430 REV U 4.5. If approved by the cognizant engineering organization, intensity verification intervals may be changed. If you were to do this the customer would probably like to see a fairly significant amount of data, probably with less variation than the allowed +/- 0.0015