Michelle, its really surprise me how your machine could be teared by the blasting shot.
My machine cabinet is fully covered with thick rubber, though I do have problem with the mirror, place where I need to view my peening operation. Now I solved the problem by expertly program my nozzle/s movement specifically around the part and avoid blasting other area of the cabinet.

Your query on measuring saturation by using software.
We bought our machine from Wheelabrator Sisson Lehmann in France. One of the machine options is a programable software to measure saturation curve.
This is how it works:
First I create a program to move the nozzle/s
in whatever axis movement i.e vertical,horizontal,rotation etc..towards the part that needs to be peened.

Then I include all the parameters i.e the types of media used, preassure,flow,speed of table rotation and "estimation cycle time"i.e
Feed rate of 50 mm minute per second,acting as 1 cycle.

Remove the part and place the almen strip position that simulate the part position.

Run the machine. In this example I used base of Feed rate 50 mm minute per second is 1 cycle.

Remove the almen strip and measure the arc height. Let say I achive 8A intensity(0.0008inches).

Go to the software option and include the inputs i.e 1x cycle & Intensity = 8A.

Now double the cycle by editing the Feed rate to 25mm minute per second. Again include 2x cycle & Intensity =....

Then the third point which is usually required 4x cycle & Intensity=...

Also include variations such as 10% increase in arc height and coverage level you wish such as 100% coverage.

Run the software and a graph of saturation curve will appear & information of saturation point,and time needs to achive
saturation will be provided to cover 100% coverage.
The software will also inform you when the saturation point is out.