Saturation curves for new set-ups are (usuallly) understood and practiced approproiately. Intensity verification has often been performed without regard for requirement that the strip be presented to blast stream for the T1 saturation curve time (often using machine settings for full coverage or cycle time). This is especially troublesome when multiple holders are on a fixture. Many times (almost all?) the strips are presented at the latest saturation time and then hope to get all holder arc heights to fall within the tolerance band. This is often futile, and doesn't comply with the J443 directive to expose each strip at it's own T1 time. Revisions being discussed for J443 would allow a target arc height approach whereby the arc heights of each holder at the latest T1 time are then recorded for verification runs. These verification arc heights must then be within ±0.015 inch of the target arc height and may (or may not) still fall within the tolerance band.

A modification of this approach would involve translating the tolerance band for each new target arc height thus preserving the intention of the original tolerance. This would be helpful for instance when the intensity is determined to be .0118 and is accepted for a tolerance band of .009-.012. If the target arc height then becomes, for example, .0130 ±0.015 then this holder position may be allowed to receive to high of an intensity if it was later verified to be .0145.