I am posting this question I recently received and would like to see other's input. Please offer your opinion (if you have one). I've done a very little editing to overcome a slight language barrier.

We are working with a new product that is machined with EDM and it is going to be shot peened without removing the recast layer. The intensity is to be 20-30N (mm)

My concern is that it’s very hard to see coverage rate even with fluorescent tracer. But what I do know from the residual stress measurement is that after shot peening its at -600Mpa compared with before at +350Mpa and the customer set the limit to at least -250Mpa after the peening.

My plan to the problem to see the coverage rate is: The operator doesn't check the coverage, just looks for unusual appearance and so and of course run the Almen strip before the actual part.

The parameters are locked for editing and a technical plan for the part is signed by me and the costumer saying that the coverage isn't checked.

Would you have been satisfied with this method? Or how would you have done?

Dave Barkley
EI SPT Director, Peening Preceptor & Product Engineer