Effect of Shot Peening on the Fatigue Strength of Small Spring Wire and Coil Springs
Author: Hirose, S.
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-1, (p. 51-60)
Doc ID: 1981021
Year of Publication: 1981
The fatigue characteristics of small springs, of which the dia. ranged from 0.8 to 4.0 mm, were studied, and for comparison, straight wire was also tested by a newly designed miniature rotary bending fatigue testing machine. Material of specimen was music wire. To strengthen, specimens were shot peened under various conditions. Although an optimum arc height for usual shot peening of general coil spring is approx 0.3 mmA, that for small spring, the dia. of which is 2.0 mm, was 0.05-0.1 mmA, and the improvement of fatigue strength exceeded 40% over nonpeened specimen.
Descriptors: Piano wire-- Mechanical properties; Springs (elastic)-- Mechanical properties; Fatigue (materials); Bend tests; Compression tests; Residual stress; Shot peening; Roughness
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