The Effect Of Shot Peening On The Fatigue Life Of Machine Elements
Author: Nakonieczny, A.
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-1, (p. 45-50)
Doc ID: 1981083
Year of Publication: 1981
The effect of shot peening on fatigue life of selected machine elements has been determined by analysis of stress changes developed in the metal surface. The state of stress in the surface layer is determined by the hardness and its distribution, state of internal stress and by shape of the surface. Shot peening produces changes in the surface layer stresses which considerably improve fatigue life of a peened part. Some examples of a practical appication of the shot peening technique include drilling rods, crankshafts, gear wheels and truck chassis elements.
Descriptors: Automotive components-- Mechanical properties; Fatigue life; Shot peening; Cold working
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