Effects Of Shot Peening On Fatigue Of Ti-6a1-4v Powder Compacts
Author: Cammett, Eylon, Smith, Cooke
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-2, (p.181-193)
Doc ID: 1984018
Year of Publication: 1984
The effects of shot peening on fatigue of both blended elemental and prealloyed Ti-6A1-4V powder compacts were studied. Low intensity (6N and 12N) shot peening was not successful in closing surface porosity in the blended elemental material. Fatigue strength improvement resulted from shot peening despite the fact that fatigue crack initiation occurred at surface and near-surface pores as was the case for unpeened material. High intensity (10-12A) shot peening followed by recrystallization annealing produced a desirable surface microstructural condition in the prealloyed material; however, the fatigue strength was lower than for the unpeened condition. Fractography and metallography were performed to aid in understanding of the influence of shot peening on fatigue crack initiation mechanisms.
Descriptors: Shot peening; Fatigue; Titanium; Powder
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