Changes In The State Of The Material By Shot Peening
Author: Vohringer, O.
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-3, (p.185-204)
Doc ID: 1987008
Year of Publication: 1987
Shot peening is a frequently used mechanical treatment to modify the surface state of a material. It is applied for the purpose of improving the fatigue strength and the fatigue life, respectively, when subjected to cyclic loading as well as the corrosion fatigue behaviour, the stress corrosion cracking, the fretting corrosion and the wear resistance. It is also well known that shot peening lowers the proof and the buckling stresses combined with alterations in the workhardening behaviour. Thus, to evaluate the consequences of shot peening on the behaviour of mechanically loaded parts, all changes of the surface state have to be determined exactly. In the following review, after discussing some details concerning the formation processes of a peened surface condition, the most important methods and properties to describe this material state are presented. Then, the effects of the different peening parameters on the surface state will be regarded and characteristic examples of the peening-induced changes of the surface state will be presented and discussed. Finally, the stability of the peened condition, especially of the residual stress state during thermal or mechanical loading, is briefly examined.
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