Computer Simulation Of Different Surface Topographies Of Metals Produced By Blasting Processes
Author: Knotek, O. and Elsing, R.
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-3, (p.361-368)
Doc ID: 1987009
Year of Publication: 1987
Widespread availability of electronic data processing equipment in recent years has led to an enormous increase in the use of simulation techniques. Such techniques already have an established role in the field of measurement and control technology, where they are used to analyse the behaviour of engineering systems but their application in the general field of materials science has to date been limited.
Simulation may be defined as a method in which a second system is
created possessing the same abstract model structure in terms of the relevant variables as the original system. The second system is termed a real or simulation model.
Simulation comprises both the construction of the real model according
to the data of the abstract model and experiments carried out with its aid.
The objective of using simulation models or algorithms may, for example,
be to gain a deeper understanding of the real system in the process of constructing the model, or, in cases where a multi-parameter system is modelled, to study the effects of changes in single parameters simply, rapidly, cheaply and without excessive experimental effort.
Among their other applications, blasting processes have acquired
considerable importance as a technique for roughening surfaces as a preliminary to coating. A surface prepared in this way is generally characterised by measuring the values for R(t) and R(z), and relating them to the measured adhesions of the coatings. It is, however, apparent from the relationships established by this means that a characterisation of surface topography solely on the basis of the values listed above permits only an inadequate interpretation of the results, although mechanical cramping of the coating to the substrate surface must be regarded as the primary mechanism of adhesion.
With this problem in mind, a Monte Carlo simulation has been developed
to generate further data on the surface topography produced by blasting processes in general and shot peening in particularl. The calculated model and the results obtained from it form the subject of the present contribution.
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