Effects Of Peening On Superconducting Transition Properties
Author: Nishi, Harano, Hara, Furukawa, Ninomiya
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-3, (p.377-382)
Doc ID: 1987024
Year of Publication: 1987
A peening generates lattice defects and a compressive stress without a large quantity of deformation. Tc often changes the lattice constant which is varied by the defects, such as a constitutional vacancy, and a solute concentration of A-15 phases. Since the constant is dominated by the defects and the stress, the peening may be a good tool to increase Tc. However, it is difficult to peen most of A-15 chemical compounds because of their fragility. Besides high superconducting transition temperatures, the liquid-quenched Nb-A1 alloys (mixture of A-15 + bcc) show ductility. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the effects of the peening on Tc of Nb(3)A1 crystalline alloys prepared by the liquid-quenching.
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