Influence Of The Shot Peening Angle On The Condition Of Near Surface Layers In Materials
Author: Ebenau, Vohringer, Macherauch
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-3, (p.253-260)
Doc ID: 1987052
Year of Publication: 1987
There are only few investigations concerning the influence of the angle of impingement which is an important parameter in the shot peening of structural parts.
The aim of these investigations was to examine the influence of a
peening angle different from 90 Deg by means of a detailed analysis of the near surface layers. The basis of the examinations was not a single indentation, but rather a shot peened surface with complete coverage. The material investigated was the plain carbon steel Ck 45 both in a normalized and in a quenched condition. The investigations include the analysis of the distribution of residual stresses and half-width values using X-ray measurement methods as well as the examination of the texture of the near surface layers and the bending fatigue behaviour.
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