Shot Peening Of Nodular Cast Iron
Author: Parent-Simonin and J Flavenot
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-3, (p.133-140)
Doc ID: 1987083
Year of Publication: 1987
The favourable effect of shot peening on fatigue strength of steel or light alloys parts is now well known. On the other hand, the effect of this process on cast iron has been less studied. Now, in machine building, and principally in car manufacturing, cast iron appears more and more in highly stressed parts. Cast iron, besides its advantages such as material cost savings, good energy balance, machining savings, has now qualities justifying good mechanical properties. In addition, it often allows the replacement of several mechanical parts with one foundry part. Facing the development of the use of cast iron for fatigue loaded parts, it was necessary to study the influence of shot peening on material performances, for the first published results, were particularly by encouraging, especially with automotive parts: connecting rods, pinions, suspension arms, crankshafts...
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