The Effect Of Shot Peening On Fatigue Strength Of Zinc Coated Steels
Author: Burakowski, Nakonieczny, Babul
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-3, (p.603-610)
Doc ID: 1987096
Year of Publication: 1987
Development of modern mechanical systems requires application of newer and newer constructional, technological and material solutions. Extant technologies and manufacturing methods, which may be the source of higher reliability and durability of machines and their parts, are very often completely forgotten. Unconventional employment of known and effective technologies leads to obtaining surprisingly positive results in many cases. So-called combined technologies are very good example. These technologies combine two or more constituent methods, known and successfully applied singly to improve functional qualities of materials and machine parts. Normalizing, induction hardening and shot peening, or toughening, carbonizing and shot peening are typical combined technologies. The next example of using these methods is connection of surface plastic forming with electroplating deposition of coatings. Each of above mentioned methods is known, though there is no information on combination of these treatments.
It should be stressed that combined technologies are not result of a
simple connection between particular constituent methods. In elaboration of a given combined technology for accepted utilizable criterion, problems arise with selection of technological parameters and sometimes, when using plastic formings with sequence of particular constituent technologies.
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