Particle-Blast Cleaning Apparatus and Method

Author:  David E. Moore, Newell D. Crane
Source:  US Patent 4,744,181
Doc ID:  1988034
Year of Publication:  1988
An improved particle-blast cleaning apparatus and process featuring sublimable pellets as the particulate media is described as including a source of sublimable pellets, housing means having laterally spaced pellet receiving and discharge stations, and pellet feeder means for transporting the pellets from the receiving station to the discharge station. The pellet feeder means further inccludes a plurality of reciprocating feeder bars each having a transprot bore formed therein to receive the pellets for lateral transprot between the receiving and discharge stations. Means for providing gravity flow of the pellets to the transport bores at the receiving station are included, as is a discharge nozzle and means for supplying a pressurized transport gas at the discharge station for conveying the pellets from the discharge station to the discharge nozzle.