Blasting Apparatus and Method

Author:  L. Kirschner, M. Lajoie, W. Spears
Source:  US Patent 5,230,185
Doc ID:  1993031
Year of Publication:  1993
A conventional blasting apparatus is modified to provide a separate source of line air to a blast pot through a pressure regulator to provide a greater pressure in the blast pot than is provided to the conveying hose. This differential pressure is maintained by an orifice having a predetermined area situated between the blast pot and the conveying hose. This orifice provides an exit for the blast medium and a relatively small quantity of air from the blast pot to the conveying hose, and ultimately to the nozzle and finally the workpiece. The differential air pressure, typically operating between 1.0 and 15.0 psi with an orifice having an appropriate area, yields acceptable media flow rates in a controlled manner.