Stenciling Apparatus with System for Recycling Material

Author:  Michael J Wern, Mokena, IL
Source:  US Patent 5,195,279
Doc ID:  1993115
Year of Publication:  1993
A stenciling apparatus for stenciling a predetermined pattern on a workpiece by directing stenciling material involved with forced air against the workpiece comprises a stenciling chamber and a suction device. The suction device is operatively connected to the stenciling chamber by means of a pipe for providing suction to the stenciling chamber. The stenciling chamber includes a housing and a stenciling box shiftably mounted within the housing. The stenciling box is shiftable between a first position for operatively engaging the workpiece for stenciling, and a second position for allowing movement of the workpiece into and out of the stenciling chamber. The box has a first opening and a second opening therein with a funnel being connected to the first opening for allowing air to be sucked into the box, and with the second opening being connected to the pipe such that when the suction device provides suction, air will be sucked into the box through the funnel, the air will catch up the stenciling material, and the air and the caught up stenciling material will be sucked out of the box through the pipe, thereby cleaning the box.

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