Method & Apparatus for Determining a Real Velocity Distribution of Solid Particles Travellin in a Gas Carrier Flow for Shot P

Author:  Linnemann
Source:  US Patent 5,691,483
Doc ID:  1995031
Year of Publication:  1995
The velocity distribution of a solid particle travelling in a carrier flow, such as a flow of peening shot or balls, is measured by first passing the solid particles or balls forming the shot through light barriers to generate respective pulse trains. The light barriers have a defined spacing from each other and the time between the light signals is measured for calculating the velocity. Such calculation is possible based on the time difference between one first signal generated by the first light barrier and a plurality of signals generated at the second light barrier and based on the fixed spacing between the light barriers. The measurements are repeated for a sufficient number of times to obtain statistically valid numbers for measurements. A sum velocity distribution is calculated from these measurements. A known randomly ascertained velocity distribution also referred to as background distribution, is substrated from the sum velocity distribution, whereby the difference yields the real velocity distribution of the particles. The resulting control signal is used to control the supply of shot and the carrier flow.

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