Fatigue Strength of the Steel After the Percussive Burnishing Process
Author: D. Stadnicka
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-9 (pg 280-285)
Doc ID: 2005098
Year of Publication: 2005
The percussive burnishing method, which can be used for treating the outer cylindrical surface of a shaft, was worked out in the Department of Manufacturing Process and Production Organization in the Technical University of Rzeszow. This method gives the possibility of the wide regulation within the range of the impact energy, impact traces arrangement on the workpiece surface and shapes of the single traces. We can use this method for processing both the soft and the hard materials. After the treatment we obtain the specific surface stereometry, which is characterized by the regular patterns. Depending on the kind of patterns, intensity of the treatment and other treatment parameters various changes in the surface layer are caused. With the use of this method we can increase fatigue strength of the steel component in order to know, what influence the percussive burnishing process has on the treated elements, studies using 42CrMo4 steel were done and their results are presented in this paper.
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