Shot Peening of Metal Parts

Author:  SAE
Source:  SAE AMS-S-13165A
Doc ID:  2007043
Year of Publication:  2007
RATIONALE AMS-S-13165 has been designated Cancelled and Superseded because equivalent technical requirements are provided by AMS 2430. CANCELLATION NOTICE This specification has been declared "CANCELLED" by the Aerospace Materials Division, SAE, as of December, 2007, and has been superseded by AMS 2430, Shot Peening. Effective January 1, 2009, the requirements of the latest issue of AMS 2430 shall be fulfilled whenever reference is made to the cancelled AMS-S-13165. Prior to that date, processors may perform shot peening in accordance with AMS-S-13165 or AMS 2430. By this action, this document will remain listed in the Numerical Section of the Index of Aerospace Material Specifications, noting that it has been superseded by AMS 2430. Cancelled specifications are available from SAE.

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