Finite Element Analysis Of Shot Peening -on The Profile Of A Single Dent-
Author: M. Kitamura , K. Tosha, E. Rouhaud
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-10 Tokyo, Japan 2008
Doc ID: 2008122
Year of Publication: 2008
This paper presents several analyses on a dent profile produced by a single shot using a finite-elements package. A finite element model is discussed in order to clarify the influences of peening conditions and characteristics of shot and work materials on the surface aspect, which is closely related to several peening effects. An axi-symmetric, two-dimensional model has been used in this research. The analysis was carried out for the material with a constitutive law and bilinear isotropic hardening. In order to ascertain analytic results, shot peening was performed for a medium carbon steel by means of a centrifugal type machine with four shot velocities and four shot diameters.
The following results are found in this study; (1) The smallest size of work model is 3 times the shot diameter for the dent profile to be correctly expressible. (2) Finite element analysis (FEM) is able to represent almost exactly the dent profile, so FEM is a good tool for studying the characteristics of peened surfaces. (3) Dent size is influenced significantly by velocity and diameter. (4) The following relations are
obtained for dent dimensions.
Analysis result : d = k 3v 4/9 , h =k 4v 8/9
Experimental result : d = l 4Dv 1/2 , h =l 5Dv
where D is shot diameter, v is shot velocity, and k3, k4, l4, l5 are constants.
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