4th International Symposium on Fatigue Design and Material Defects

Author:  The Shot Peener Staff
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 33, Issue 2, Spring 2019
Doc ID:  2019016
Year of Publication:  2019
Following the successful symposia in Trondheim in 2011, in Paris in 2014 and in Lecco in 2017, the conference chairpersons announce the 4th International Symposium on Fatigue Design and Material Defects from May 26-28, 2020 in Potsdam, Germany. Material defects such as non-metallic inclusions, pores, micro-shrinkages etc., play a crucial role in fatigue crack initiation and propagation which in turn has significant consequences for structural integrity in terms of lifetime, fatigue strength and other characteristics of cyclically loaded components.

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