Tribal Knowledge in the Blast Industry (Part Three)
Author: Kumar Balan
Source: The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 35, Issue 2, Spring 2021
Doc ID: 2021014
Year of Publication: 2021
THE ARROGANCE OF EXPERIENCE When speaking to past colleagues for this series, I kept recalling
an incident I was involved in a few years ago. In my anxiety to
make it to a meeting on time, I kept directing the cab driver in
my past hometown of Bombay, India to take routes presumably
not known to him. After enduring me for a while, he abruptly
stopped his car and displayed his driver’s license to my face
with an arrogant remark that even his credential was older
than me and asked me to pipe down. He then proceeded to
get me to my destination without delay! Similarly, I have often
heard my seasoned colleagues complain that the new engineers
were re-engineering proven designs and messing them up in
the process! Would you call it arrogance, impudence or them
simply knowing what has worked and will work again? So, why
is it important to acknowledge the past in our industry?
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