Back to Basics - Advances in Shot Peening
Author: Dr. David Kirk | Coventry University
Source: The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 36, Issue 2, Spring 2022
Doc ID: 2022016
Year of Publication: 2022
INTRODUCTION Shot peening has advanced steadily since its first introduction.
This article concentrates on the advances made in the last
forty years. Those advances have allowed shot peening to
become the smart technological process that it is today. Most
of the advances would not have been possible without the
corresponding explosion of computing power and availability
of sophisticated computer software.
The overall objective is to present a coherent account of
the most important, and relatively recent, advances in shot
peening. Every advance can be viewed as satisfying a perceived
need. For example, intensity measurement used to be very
subjective, with different values being quoted by different
individuals. The need was for a technique that reduced this
measurement variability. Computer-based methods have
satisfied this need.
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