New Electronic Peening Intensity Sensor: Theory and Experimental Validation

Author:  Sylvain A. Forgues1, Brigitte Labelle1, Ramzi Ben Moussa1, Adel Alouani1 1 Shockform Aeronautique Inc., Canada, [email protected]
Source:  ICSP14 Milan
Doc ID:  2022088
Year of Publication:  2022
Keywords: Shot Peening, Electronic Intensity Sensor, Theory, Experimental Validation Abstract The method to measure peening intensity has not evolved significantly in decades. The current method is time intensive as it requires peening of several metal strips to different times in order to generate a saturation curve. Each strip must be pre-measured, installed on a holder, peened for a specific amount of time, removed from the holder, measured once more and the value recorded manually. These recorded values must then be made into a graph and the intensity calculated using what is called the “10% rule”. All these steps to find intensity make peening a complicated process that is confusing for many operators. A recently developed wireless sensor offers the possibility to simplify intensity calculations with real-time process measurement and continuous transfer and analysis of data. This sensor is part of a new trend known as the Internet of Things (IoT) and promises to allow companies to progress into the latest industrial revolution called Industry 4.0.

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