Impact of Vibratory Peening on the Surface Integrity of Cemented Steel E16NCD13
Author: A. Dasa, K. Chouchanea, H.Y. Miaoa, B. Changeuxb, J. Badreddineb, S. Turennea, M. Lévesquea, E. Martina a Département de Génie Mécanique, École Polytechnique de Montréal, C.P. 6079, Succ. Centre- Ville, Montréal, Québec, H3C 3A7 Canada b Safran Tech, Mate
Source: ICSP14 Milan
Doc ID: 2022094
Year of Publication: 2022
Vibratory peening is an alternative surface modification procedure that combines the shot peening
and the vibratory finishing processes together. The process produces compressive residual
stresses comparable to those obtained by shot peening, but with better surface finish. The process
could enhance the fatigue life of the treated part and improve the industrial productivity by
combining the two steps into one single operation. This study aims at determining the surface
integrity properties of E16NCD13 steel after vibratory peening. Surface roughness, compressive
residual stresses (CRS) and microhardness were evaluated after vibratory peening at different
Almen intensities and compared with shot peening. It was found that vibratory peening decreased
the surface roughness and was better than shot peening for specific Almen intensities. Moreover,
vibratory peening induced deeper CRS and increased the micro-hardness of the cemented steel.
Keywords: Vibratory peening, Almen intensity, Surface roughness, Cemented steel, Residual
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