EI’s Fiftieth Anniversary
Author: Jack Champaigne | Editor | The Shot Peener
Source: The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 38, Issue 3, Summer 2024
Doc ID: 2024019
Year of Publication: 2024
Employees, customers, and vendors celebrated the 50th anniversary of Electronics
Inc. with a party on June 21. We will have photos in the next issue of The Shot Peener.
A brief recap of EI’s history: The early projects at EI met the demands of
the 1974 Clean Air Act by providing air pollution controls to reduce dirty air in
American steel factories. The first product was a simple fan damper control that
allowed remote setting of air volume for a baghouse dust collector. Eventually this
evolved into feedback controls that regulated the damper position based upon
desired motor power limits since the load changed with the air temperature. Another
control model then detected the temperature of the air going into the baghouse
system which would quickly open cold air dampers to dilute the hot air so that the
bags were not damaged.
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