Coverage Assessment Using 3D Data and Artificial Intelligence

Author:  Anton Janssen and Tomas Domaschke |
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 38, Issue 3, Summer 2024
Doc ID:  2024020
Year of Publication:  2024
EXISTING CHALLENGES Although the degree of coverage in shot peening has a significant influence on the resilience of a surface, coverage assessment still faces a number of unresolved challenges. First and foremost, the quality of the manual process is highly dependent on external conditions and the condition of the employee carrying out the inspection. In addition, the qualification process is complex and the recruitment of suitable personnel is difficult in the current labor market situation. Another issue is manual documentation which is also timeconsuming and prone to errors. A typical solution would be to automate the coverage assessment. An automated system should be used from the initial data collection to the final report. An automated inspection process would also be the logical last step in the highly automated shot peening process chain.

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