EI Shot Peening Training and our training associate, sentenso GmbH, are pleased to sponsor a shot peening seminar and workshop in September. This special three-day event will be at sentenso GmbH in Datteln. The training program will cover every aspect of a controlled shot peening process. The first two days will be held in a classroom and the third day will focus on practical training in the sentenso laboratory.
Students will have the opportunity to earn a shot peening achievement certificate. Achievement exams for Shot Peening Level 1 and 2, and Rotary Flap Peening will be offered. Classroom space is limited; please make your reservations as soon as possible at www.shotpeeningtraining.com/seminars/germany.
We suggest you stay at the Zum Ring Hilton in Dattln if you need hotel accommodations. Mention “sentenso” to receive a discounted room rate. The hotel was chosen for its many amenities, convenient location, and reasonable pricing. Visit http://www.schwarzien.de for more information and to register.
Date: September 27 – 29, 2016
Location: Datteln, Germany
Language: Deutsch and English

Hands-on training at 2014 German shot peening workshop