The Solver Story An Autobiography
Author: Dr. David Kirk
Source: The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 33, Issue 2, Spring 2019
Doc ID: 2019022
Year of Publication: 2019
Many years ago Jack Champaigne asked me if I could write a
computer program that would determine peening intensity
quantitatively. This was to be an alternative to the subjective
manual methods then being normally employed. No contract
or payment was to be involved. The exercise was to be a
purely academic one. Having recently retired from full-time
employment at Coventry University, I had some time on my
hands and so decided to take up the challenge. After all my
experience with computer programs for X-ray residual stress
analysis I thought that it shouldn’t involve much effort—big
There are two essential elements that need to be considered:
(1) Data points and
(2) An appropriate curve-fitting equation.
Every measured data point throughout the Universe
involves some variability, however small. Data values are
affected by relevant variables. The effect of each variable
can normally be expressed by an appropriate equation. This
article is concerned with the way in which peening intensity
can be derived by finding and using the parameters of an
equation fitted to a set of data points.
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